12 Weeks Old Couple African Grey parrots for sale


Certainly, here’s a more detailed description of our African grey parrots for sale (Psittacus erithacus), including their physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and conservation status:

Physical Characteristics:

  1. Size: African grey parrots are medium-sized birds, typically ranging from 10 to 14 inches (25 to 36 centimeters) in length.
  2. Plumage: They have predominantly gray feathers covering their body, which can vary slightly in shade from light gray to a deeper charcoal gray. Their wings are a slightly darker shade than their body.
  3. Tail: One of the most distinguishing features is their striking red tail feathers, which contrast with their gray body. This bright red tail is more prominent in the Congo African grey subspecies.
  4. Head and Beak: They have a relatively large head with a black beak that is strong and hooked, well-suited for cracking nuts and seeds.
  5. Eyes: African grey parrots have expressive, pale gray eyes with bright yellow eye rings, which add to their overall appearance.


  1. Intelligence: African grey parrots are renowned for their high intelligence. They have the cognitive abilities to solve problems, learn complex tasks, and even demonstrate logical reasoning.
  2. Vocal Abilities: These parrots are famous for their remarkable vocal mimicry. They can imitate human speech, as well as replicate various sounds from their environment, such as other birds, alarms, and household noises.
  3. Social Nature: African grey parrots are social birds and can form strong bonds with their human caregivers. They thrive on interaction, companionship, and mental stimulation.
  4. Playfulness: They enjoy playing with toys, puzzles, and engaging in activities that challenge their intelligence. Providing them with such mental stimulation is important for their well-being.

Habitat and Range:

  1. Natural Habitat: African grey parrots are native to the dense rainforests of West and Central Africa. They are found in countries such as Ghana, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  2. Range: Within their natural range, they inhabit the canopy of these rainforests, foraging for a variety of foods, including fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetation.

Conservation Status:

  1. CITES Status: African grey parrot is on the list on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This listing provides them with the highest level of protection, prohibiting international trade in wild-caught specimens.
  2. Threats: These parrots face significant threats due to habitat loss from deforestation and the illegal pet trade. Their high intelligence and ability to mimic human speech have unfortunately made them targets for capture and sale as pets.
  3. Conservation Efforts: Various conservation organizations and governments are working to protect African grey parrots by implementing measures to combat illegal trade, protect their habitats, and promote responsible ownership.

In summary, the African grey parrot is a remarkable bird because of its their intelligence, striking appearance, and unique vocal abilities. However, they face significant conservation challenges due to habitat loss and illegal trade. Those considering keeping them as pets should do so responsibly, ensuring they can meet the parrot’s social, intellectual, and physical needs while also adhering to relevant regulations and ethical considerations.


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